Ari Shika's Blog

Posting what I notice day by day. Please visit my "JP Blog"

* Proceeding according to their plan 10 years ago

* Proceeding according to their plan 10 years ago
[Excerpt from Dr. Atsushi Nakamura's note]
Operation Lockstep From the Lockefeller Playbook

《First stage》
◼ Ordinary cold ... ➡ Using the media ... Incites fear.

◼ Using a defective testing system ➡ Picks up any of his gene fragments in the body and gives a positive result.

◼ Inflated corona deaths

Change of cause of death on death certificate

Double count of deaths

"He should die of corona for all other illnesses and natural deaths."

◼ With lockdown

Get used to life under martial law.

Prevent protests ...

《Second stage》

◼ By the first stage

Poor diet, social distance, wearing a mask,

Reduced sunlight irradiation, reduced contact with useful microorganisms

Weakens people's immune system

If you irradiate 5G,

He can further weaken the immune system.

… More people are prone to illness

The cause of this is also "Corona's fault".

These are all

Wake up before vaccination

It is a way to justify vaccination.

◼ After the start of vaccination

Cause his lockdown longer and stronger

(Until everyone is vaccinated)

《Third stage》

If the majority refuse to vaccinate her,

Disperse viral weapons.

(Note) ⬆ There are no pathogenic viruses in nature (from Dr. Hiroyuki Sakiya "No virus").
Is this spraying a “further explosion” of toxic chemicals and nuclear waste from the chemtrails that have already been carried out?

Since we have announced this plan,
This also seems to be one of predictive programming. (Posted by Konishi)

This caused a large number of deaths,

It will show the appearance of survival of the fittest.

This makes people vaccinate

It will be the last fierce push.

"If you want to go back to your daily routine, get a vaccine."

◼ People's division occurs here.

There is a conflict between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

This conflict intensified

The world will look like anarchy.


This "The Rockefeller Operation Lockstep" (left image)

It was in 2010 that it came out.

In today's world, he's already been 10 years ago

It was exactly planned.

... now he says in this schedule,

Near the end of the second stage.

(Excerpted from the link below)

🔹 All for << Agenda 21 (right image) achieved >>.