Ari Shika's Blog

Posting what I notice day by day. Please visit my "JP Blog"

"Why masks are fatal to women-reexamination series"

"Why masks are fatal to women-reexamination series"

Women's cosmetics are now a mass of nano-sized toxic substances.

Micro-nanoparticles of cosmetics (leave-on-cosmetics) applied to the mask or face by rubbing just by wearing a mask and breathing, or by talking with a mask. Will peel off and inhale.

Interesting experimental results have been reported investigating the amount of micro & nanoparticles adhering to the filter when wearing only a mask, applying only cosmetics to the face, and wearing a mask with makeup (Dai, Han). And He, Shanshan and Lin, Jia and Han, Jie, Mask on Beauty: Mask, Respirator, and Cloth Face Covering Wearers at Risks of Inhaling Abundant Respirable Hazards From Leave-On Facial Cosmetics (May 2, 2021). Available at SSRN: or

As a result, when only the mask was applied

Fine particles of talc (magnesium silicon) are used as a filler in cosmetic powders. Talc (mixture of asbestos) is a substance that has become a litigation issue (J & J) by causing ovarian cancer, as mentioned in the past article.

Contains fine particles of estrogenic plastic preparations such as polyethylene and nylon to adsorb oil.

In addition, nanoparticles of titanium oxide and zinc oxide (both are powerful inflammatory substances) are mixed in cosmetics as artificial colorants, preservatives and UV filters.

In addition, mineral oils (produced from crude oil, including carcinogens such as paraffin and aromatic hydrocarbons) used as synthetic fragrances and binders, and surfactants are also used abundantly.

Not only are they inhaled as micros and nanoparticles, but some are volatilized and inhaled as a gas.

In this study, when applying makeup, not only masks but also cosmetic-derived micro & nanoparticles were detected.

The mask alone will inhale the carcinogenic plastic nanoparticles, but if you are wearing makeup, the toxic nanoparticles of the cosmetics will be added to it.

These nanoparticles enter the systemic circulation from the lungs and esophagus, causing inflammation.

Of course, there are some men who wear makeup these days, so forcing a mask puts you at a higher risk.

It is an era when it is now exposed to the general public that we cannot rely on modern medicine and authorities. From now on, it will become more and more important for us to manage our physical condition by ourselves.

Let's take this opportunity to review not only the mask but also the cosmetics themselves (^ _−) − ☆.