Ari Shika's Blog

Posting what I notice day by day. Please visit my "JP Blog"

"6 to 13 times infection rate up with phyzer gene vaccine"

"6 to 13 times infection rate up with phyzer gene vaccine"

In the United States Corolad, nearly 100% of the residents are continuing new coronavirus novel infections, regardless of full gene vaccinated & mask wear ("A Colorado Town Is ABOUT AS VACCINATED AS IT CAN GET. COVID STILL ISN't over There "Kaiser Health News, October 1, 2021).

In Victoria, Australia, 95% new coronavirus infection-related hospital patients are genetic vaccinations (

Match Israel's data we convey in the past article.

The latest Israel's data reported that the genetic vaccine of Pizza was 6 to 13 times the delta mutant infection compared to the natural infection (Comparing Sars-COV-2 Natural Immunity to Vaccine -induced Immunity: Reinfections Versus Breakthrough Infections. Medrxiv Preprint Doi:

This gene vaccine will also decorate a large page of Pizzer's pharmaceutical history as well as other drugs.

Phizzer and Merck have already developed drugs other than gene vaccines for new coronas (the actual condition only changes the chemical structure of existing drugs such as Ibel Mecchin) and will be sold as a preventive drug.

Even if you fall and don't get up with Tada, it is a word that applies to Big Farmer (^ _-) - ☆.