Ari Shika's Blog

Posting what I notice day by day. Please visit my "JP Blog"

Plan table? schedule?

Plan table?

Well, I looked it up and it looks like this
Because it will be. (Lambda (the main character in winter) is already coming to South America)

I wonder if 27 is enough. (Greek letters)
Instead, just give it a name. (There are more than thousands of mutant strains.)

If you keep hitting the vaccine, you can get as many as you want.
If the infection is left untreated, it can be accelerated as much as possible (increasing the chance of mutation).

<< Photo >> Next summer will be π (Pi).
If you run out, capitalize.
(For the time being, it's okay until next year. One by one in January.
This is Plandemic. )
Also, it's good to have a plus or a pseudo.
Source: Borrowed from the net www.