Ari Shika's Blog

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Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment

A long time ago, I was disappointed with Western medicine and studied Chinese medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion.
Therefore, Oriental medicine does not completely deny it, but recent medical treatment methods are quite crazy.
For example, in oriental medicine, food was the most important factor in the first place, but now the focus is on how to sell Chinese medicine and how to get people to go to acupuncture and moxibustion.
It seems that there is a tendency to sell Chinese medicines by saying, "Because Chinese medicine changes your constitution, keep taking it." However, your constitution does not change with Chinese medicine.

Originally, both Chinese herbs and acupuncture and moxibustion are symptomatic treatments given only when illness occurs.
If you have watched the famous Korean drama "Dae Jang Geum", please think back.
Even the emperor does not imitate the stupidity of decocting and drinking Chinese herbs every day.
Only when I got sick, I used it temporarily together with acupuncture and moxibustion.
After all, it was the food officer (the official who controls food) who controlled the health of the emperor.
And this is common in all classical medicine.

Modern Western medicine is allopathic medicine = symptomatic treatment that started from battlefield medicine, but it is not wrong because it is symptomatic treatment.
Symptomatic treatment is effective if you have a myocardial infarction, a serious infection, hematemesis, or a car hit.
The problem is chronic illness = modern illness.
For example, cancer, collagen disease, allergies, intractable diseases, mental illnesses, and genetic diseases are not only cured by symptomatic treatment, but worsen if they continue.

Recently, I am promoting homeopathy, so more people are using it, but after all, whether it is homeopathy, flower remewi, supplements, or hydrogen water, it is just the same symptomatic treatment as Chinese medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion.
The most important is the basic daily diet and spirit, and it is most important to prevent pre-illness that enhances the natural healing power.
Pre-illness means that if the poison is removed, there will be no time for a hundred diseases to develop, and the idea is to cure the disease, so to speak, if the bad roots are eliminated before the onset of the disease, the disease will not occur.

The idea of ​​symptomatic treatment has spread to all people, but from a different point of view, people who only do symptomatic treatment in society and are working for the world are also empowered of symptomatic treatment.
Even if you pretend to understand, you will be caught up in "If it's just around the corner, everything is fine", "Relieve the pain for the time being", "Hurry up and stop coughing", "I want you to lower your fever quickly", and the perspective of dealing with social issues Is the same.
As with illness, politics, and the economy, it will remain the same unless we withdraw from symptomatic methods.